Monday, June 21, 2010

Men are like... No, no, wait... Men are...

So I must take this time to harp on the male gender for a bit. Who are these three-legged creatures; why can't they only exist when you want them too?!!! It always seems to be one thing or another. Yes, I want to be independent and know someone is still there for me, ya know a confidant. I know it might sound crazy, but what about a relationship built on mutual respect for each other. My idea of coexisting does on include superglue and the attachment to each other on the dotted line.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter! I hope today was a blessed day for everyone. My daughter and I had a wonderful day with each other and our family. I love spending time with our loved ones, watching the circle of life continue is a blessing unable to be described with words. God Bless Everyone!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Afternoon Sun

Today my little girl ran in the grass wearing a cute little spring dress. She was so happy to be outside with the birds and the grass. As we were playing two friendly little dogs ran up and started licking her. I was concerned at first, but they loved her and she loved every minute of it. She is the greatest thing in my life, I am so blessed.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I love Spring but I hate the time change...

I love it! Longer days are here!! I can't wait to see new leaves and flowers everywhere. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I am going to spend some time and get my patio organized so I can sit out there as the sun goes down. I hope all is well with the world. Cheers!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I am sure by reading my posts it is clear I am stressed out. I am going to take the afternoon to make a roast and chocolate chip cookies. I think this will be a great way to unwind and chillax. I wish I had a bottle of wine to go with my meal, but I guess I will have to make due with a soda instead. I am going to drift off to sleep tonight dreaming of a new bath tub, which is at the top of my wish list when I move again. I hope I can find a tiny little house on the out side of town with an old claw foot tub. I would love to have a yard, a garden, and a tiny little porch to sit on.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sticking The Landing...

Means you get a stomach flu that persists for 5 days, and counting. I am feeling mildly better today, but considering I felt like I was knocking on deaths door I'm having a hard time judging the word mildly.
One thing I am going have to say "thank you god" for is Elmo! Elmo is like Starbucks for kids. These two just keep us coming back for more. Anyway, here's to Starbucks being in my weekly forecast by... Thursday?
Wish me luck.

Monday, February 22, 2010

This week at the circus...

de mommie I learned the fine art of jumping through rings of fire, known as bilateral ear infections--potty training, which should be an olympic event--and that little thing called life. If I stick the landing do I win a gold?